From erkn at Mon Jun 26 13:43:55 2017 From: erkn at (Erik B Knudsen) Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:43:55 +0200 Subject: [mcxtrace-users] McXtrace release 1.4 finally out! Message-ID: <> On behalf of the McXtrace Team I am happy to announce that we have at least released McXtrace 1.4. Below is a list of some of the changes and edits sinece the very old 1.2 version. Please head over to and grab a copy - or simply update through the usual software repositories as applicable. CHANGES in 1.4 1. Source_pt, Source_flat, Source_gaussian, and Source_div now behave in the same manner wrt. phase. The relevant parameters are randomphase and phase. If randomphase is !=0 the phase is completely random, if ==0 the value of phase is used. 2. EPSD_monitor: Has a parameter nE which denotes a number of energy bins. if >1 the monitor will output a number of files each corresponding to an energy bin. 3. Lens_parab, Lens_parab_Cyl The functionality of the _rough versions of these components have been merged into the main components and the _rough versions themselves retired. 4. Support for binary file dump of photons in the mcpl-format is added. 5. On debian class systems, McXtrace now installs to /usr/share to be more standards compliant. 6. New Components: sources/Undulator.comp: Undulator model based on Kim, 1989, ?Characteristics of synchrotron radiation? samples/Incoherent.comp: Model sample of an incoherent scatterer samples/Polycrystal.comp: Polycrystal sample based on Single_crystal formalism samples/SasView_model.comp: All samples included in the SasModels module of SasView. Currently does not take in absorption into account misc/Air.comp: A ?box? full of Air that may scatter- misc/Focus.comp: Adds resampling to any component. I.e. causes the preceding object to become a secondary source. misc/MCPL_input.comp: Interface components to read/write MCPL-format files. misc/MCPL_output.comp monitors/DivE_monitor.comp monitors/DivPos_monitor.comp monitors/Divergence_monitor.comp optics/Bragg_crystal.comp: Superseeds Perfect_Crystal optics/Bragg_crystal_bent.comp: Bent crystal model optics/Capillary.comp: Capillary tube with reflecting walls. optics/Collimator_linear.comp: Ideal collimator models optics/Collimator_radial.comp optics/Mirror.comp: Simple flat mirror component optics/Mirror_toroid.comp: Toroidal mirror contrib/Detector_pn.comp: Detector model with quantum efficiency. contrib/SAXS/SAXSCurve.comp: A set of SAXS-sample models contrib/SAXS/SAXSCylinders.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSEllipticCylinders.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSLiposomes.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSNanodiscsFast.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSNanodiscsWithTagsFast.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSNanodiscsWithTags.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSNanodiscs.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSPDBFast.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSPDB.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSQMonitor.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSShells.comp contrib/SAXS/SAXSSpheres.comp 7. Example Instrument simulations: - Full model of proposed DanMAX beamline - Pump_probe_solvent: Example of disordered scattering in solution - SAXS_saxlab: Laboratory SAXS setup with Montel optic - template_1Slit_Diff & template_2Slit_Diff: examples of raytracing with coherent interference effects. - ESRF_ID01: Microdiffraction beamline with polycrystal sample - templateSasView: Example of using the (experimental) SasView interface ... and various Unit test/Example instruments 8. New python/Qt based GUI/plotting tool 9. PowderN: incoherent scattering (computed from tables) 10. Curved Bragg monochromator crystal Major improvements to the flat Bragg monochromator crystal 11. Output in the NeXus-format. 12. Data files can be read only once and reused by other components. Happy simulating! Erik -- Erik Bergb?ck Knudsen, Research Engineer | DTU | morituri NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark |<>-<>| te phone: (+45) 2132 6655 |<>-<>| salutant